Connecting your own domain with Jimdo is only possible if Jimdo has a JimdoPro or JimdoBusiness package. There are 3 ways to connect the domain with Jimdo.
Shall only display your Jimdo website and simultaneously email mailboxes
in a web hosting package at Checkdomain, the forwarding can be set up via A-Record.
You can find out the IP address of the Jimdo server on which your website is located at this link.
After you have determined your IP address, you can store it as described in the following instructions:
Shall only display your Jimdo website and simultaneously email mailboxes
can be used in a web hosting package with checkdomain, the forwarding can be set up via CNAME entry.
Instructions on how to enter a CNAME record can be found here:
How do I create a CNAME record?
If only one domain is registered without a web hosting package, the domain can be connected to Jimdo via the name server.
The name servers of the Jimdo server on which your website is located can be found under the following link:
Jimdo name servers
After you have determined your name servers, you can store them as described in the following instructions:
How do I store my own name servers?
The administration of the name servers is done on your own responsibility.
The new name servers or the name server entries are saved immediately.
It can take approx. 2 - 6 hours until the change to the name servers takes effect.
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