Each e-mail box in the web hosting packages 3.0 or 4.0 shares the memory with your homepage.
Example: You have the Start Plus:
You have the Start Plus 4.0 web hosting package with 10,000 MB of storage space. Your homepage requires 1,000 MB of memory. Thus you still have 9,000 MB free memory, which can be used for your E-Mail mailboxes.
The e-mails including their attachments cannot exceed a size of 50 MB when sent. Older packages (e.g. Start 2.0 or business card) are limited to 20 MB for sending and receiving. A tariff change can take place if necessary, as described in the following manual:
How do I change to another hosting package?
Important note:
The reason why, for example, an attachment with 49 MB cannot be sent, although the mail may be 50 MB in total, is the Base 64 format, which is used by default when processing the mails. You can find a lot of information about this encoding in Wikipedia, for example:
In the case of large files, timeouts may occur at the mail server (depending on the speed of the Internet connection), since the software does not respond over a longer period of time. This is a protective function of the server to avoid overloads or failures.
Alternatively, you can upload the corresponding data to your hosting via FTP at any time and then send the link (possibly with special directory protection) by e-mail to the respective recipient.
Instructions for the free software FileZilla can be found in our help:
If you want to set up a directory protection, you can do this in the customer area:
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