To change the owner of one or more domains an ownerchange is necessary. Follow the instructions to change the ownership.
Note: As new owner you skip the first steps and start at step 4.
Login to your customer account an click "My Account" in the menu on the left.
Now click on the link in the text shown above your adress data.
Enter the email-adress of the new owner in the appropiate field.
If you are the new owner at the same time, because you want to change the ownership from private person to your company, as example. Enter your own email-adress, so that you will recieve the email for the further steps.
Note: The entered email-address has to vary from the email-adress of your actual customer-account, because the same email-adress can´t be used as login for different accounts.
Next choose which domain/s and webhosting-packages should assigned to the new owner and click on "Next".
Afterwards confirm your selection by entering your customer password in the textbox and click on the "Confirm" Button.
You now get a confirmation that the ownerchange has been started.
The new Owner recieves an email with an overview of the domain/s and webhosting-package/s that should be transfered. The ownerchange must be confirmed via the contained link in the email.
Note: If you are the new owner at the same time, because you want to change the ownership from private person to your company, as example. It is necessary to logout of your customer account, before you click on the link in the email.
After openeing the link, you will get an overview of the costs for the ownerchange and the domain/s and webhosting-package/s that should be transfered.
If you agree with the listed contracts, click on "Next".
You see the following screen:
If you are already a customer at enter your credentials and click on the button "login".
If you are a new customer enter your personal details in the form on the right together with a password you want to use for your login and click on "Next" to complete the order.
Unfotunately it is essential we must have a company stamp on the form when switching from a comany or to a company. Alternate you can send an excerpt of the commercial register or a business registration along indication the the person who signed the form ist the CEO.
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