The character set determines in which format type you have saved your website on our web server.
For example UTF-8 (Global) or ISO-8559-1 (Western).
This is very important because the visitor's web browser does not know exactly which character set to use to display your website. Under certain circumstances you may see the page as desired, but other users with other web browsers may display your website incorrectly - this in turn depends on the character set used by the respective web browser as the default character set.
On our home page at, click on My Login at the top right and select "Customer Area" to log in.
You will reach the login form by entering your customer number or e-mail address and your customer password and then clicking on the "Login" button.
You are now in your customer area. In the left navigation click on the navigation point "Hosting".
In the lower menu click on the "Settings" button.
Now select the domain name for which you want to edit the settings.
In the following screen you have the possibility to change the character set, as well as further setting options such as Safemode or CGI interface.
Enter in the lower area your password, which you also use for your customer login.
Confirm your changes by clicking on the "Save" button.
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