If you have a problem with ContentManagmentSystems or Onlineshops when sending e-mails from the CMS or Shop
it is possible that the Sendmail output configuration is set incorrectly.
The command -fname (uses the name of the ''from'' person) is mostly used here.
This must then be entered manually, in a file of the ContentManagmentSystem or the online shop in the
sendmail is included, you can change it.
With ini_get() you can find out the current settings from php.ini and recognize that
a -f[USER] has already been set there. Therefore, it is not necessary that you set the
with a script or try to overwrite it.
A description of the ini_get function can be found on php.net.
$return_path = ini_get("sendmail_path") ;
# Mail-Function => -f USER Here is behind -f the corresponding user
With the following query you can check the sendmail_path to see if the value "-f" is already set.
For example:
if(preg_match("@\-f@",$return_path) == true){
echo "is already in";
echo "is not in";
The name of the file in which the mail function must be changed is different for content management systems.
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