Installation fails
Most apps run without problems with PHP version 5.6, but there are also a few that only run with older PHP versions. If necessary, please contact our support directly.
Why does my PHP version need to be updated during automatic installation?
Every release of a PHP version is supported for 2 years with security updates etc. and risks are fixed in a short time.
After these 2 years each PHP version will be revised and supported for another year for critical security graphics. After that no further security updates will be made for this PHP version and is considered obsolete. Using outdated PHP versions then represents a risk.
Further information can be found in the PHP Lifecycle.
The reason for this may be the PHP version used or another hosting configuration.
Details on the requirements of the individual apps can be found on the app vendor pages.
An existing .htaccess in the directory in which the installation is to be done can lead to it being blocked.
The reason can be a line like the following in the .htaccess file: Deny from all
PHP Shorttag: YES
PHP Quotes-GPC: No
Zend Guard Loader: YES
ionCube Loader: YES
CGI interface: CGI with wrapper
The remaining settings remain at their default values.
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