This guide explains how to create a product in your PrestaShop.
First you log into the administration area of your PrestaShop. The following screen will then appear:
Click here on the text "Add a new product".
You will now see the following input mask:
Enter the name of the product under Name and select under Status whether the product "Activated". which should be visible for customers or "Deactivated" if it should not be visible for customers yet. Below you can enter an article number, weight and an EAN number, among other things.
If a package contains the same product several times, you can enter the following under Package contents indicate the number of pieces. If it is a virtual product such as mp3 files, you can download them under to the corresponding item.
Next, enter the individual prices (purchase/sale) and taxes.
If you want to use a logo to draw attention to the fact that the product is currently on offer, enter Check the box in front of the text "Show "In action" icon on the product page and text in the list".
Now specify how many products are available and what should be displayed, if the product is available or not available.
Then select whether the product can also be ordered if it is not in stock.
Then, by ticking the box in front of the corresponding category, select the category in which the product can be ordered. which you have created, the product should appear.
To make your product easier to find in search engines, click on the text "Click here to optimize finding the product for search engines (SEO)"
The following input mask appears in which you can enter the search terms. An explanation of what meta data is can be found under the following link:
In the text fields you can enter a short description as well as a detailed description. for the product. By clicking on the country flag on the page, you can also directly enter a description in in another language.
Under keywords, enter the terms under which the product appears, if the search is used in the online shop.
Finally, click on the "Save" button to confirm your entries.
Click now on the tab "2. pictures" and the following input mask appears:
With a click on the button "Browse..." you can upload an image of the product from your PC, which will then be displayed for this product.
If you want to use this image as the main image for your product, check the box in front of the text "Use this as product cover?".
Finally, click on the "Save" button to confirm your entries.
Now call up your PrestaShop and you will see the product you have set up.
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