You can use Zeta Producer like a websitebuilder. Thanks to the simple operation and "thinking" functions, you can fully concentrate on your content.
In this manual you will learn how to upload your homepage to your webspace via FTP.
After you have designed your homepage according to your wishes, click on the "Website" tab.
Next, click on the "FTP" button at the top right.
The following input mask will appear:
Server name: Enter here the address without "www." under which your page can be accessed in the browser.
Destination folder: Enter the root directory of your domain here.
The directory /htdocs is always the root directory of the domain into which the data is uploaded.
If there are several domains within a web hosting package, the directory may vary.
Username/Password: Now enter your FTP access data, which you will receive by email
(your access data for the domain ...).
Web address: Enter the domain name here with "www." under which your page can be accessed in the browser.
Finally, click on the "Next" button.
The FTP connection will now be tested.
If the connection test was successful, click on the "Close" button.
If the connection test failed, please check the entered data.
Once the data has been stored, you only need to click on the "Website" tab in the future.
And there on the right side in the menu point "Publish" on "Publish complete website" to refresh your page.
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