It's that easy to create a gastronomy homepage
With our website builder the construction of an attractive gastronomy website is very simple. Discover now our high-quality design templates and countless features with which you can design your site both aesthetically and functionally perfect. No technical knowledge of web design is required.
- Choose a template for your website
- Publish the most important information about your restaurant
- Upload the most beautiful pictures into a picture gallery
- Create a blog to share the best moments

Find out the opening hours of the new trendy restaurant or look for a nice café in a foreign city for a little break: In the gastronomy sector, too, most potential guests now find out about the Internet. With just a few clicks, you can call up menus, reservation options and accessibility - provided the café, bar or restaurant have created their own website.
Surprisingly, not all gastronomy businesses are exploiting the potential of the Internet. The way to your own homepage is much easier and cheaper than most restaurateurs think. Thanks to convenient technologies such as website construction kits, professional results can be achieved even without the help of professionals.
Why is a website especially important for restaurants and cafés?
Gone are the days when catering establishments drew attention with print advertising

This role has largely been assumed by the Internet. Many caterers stage their cafés or restaurants on social media channels such as Facebook or Instagram, but shy away from the supposedly big effort for their own website. In fact, a well-designed Internet presence can significantly increase the chances of attracting new guests.
One example: no gastronomy business lives solely from regular guests from the immediate vicinity. Every restaurant also needs passing customers. New customers from other parts of the city or tourists nowadays usually quickly reach for a smartphone in search of a restaurant and check the Internet to see what is in the area. And a homepage is also useful for research into events - such as company celebrations. In other words, creating a website is an important and effective advertising measure that increases the finding of a restaurant and thus the number of guests.
Create your own website for a gastronomy business
You can create a homepage for a restaurant in three different ways
- Completely self-programming
- Use of a Content Management System (CMS) - for example WordPress
- Use of a website builder
The first two variants assume that you have extensive knowledge of programming languages such as HTML and CSS or that you are willing to invest a larger budget in a web designer. Due to the special requirements, the creation of a professional gastronomy website is hardly possible for laymen.
A cost-effective alternative is the third option: Homepage construction kits can be operated simply and intuitively and are also solutions from a single source. This means that in addition to the website builder, you also get the technical basis - your own domain and enough storage space - supplied in a package by the web hosting company of your choice. The provider also takes care of all software and security updates, so you don't have to worry about these aspects.
Depending on the chosen variant, a website builder in connection with all necessary services costs on average between 3 and 20 euros per month. You should avoid models offered free of charge. Here you "pay" by waiving your own domain (The provider merely sets up a subdomain for your website) and/or by displaying third-party advertising on your site over which you have no control. This is highly unlikely to be serious for your guests.

Perfect service: Design templates especially for the catering industry
With a website builder, attractive results can be achieved without any programming knowledge. Basis for the production of the web page are design collecting mains, which gives it also particularly to the catering trade cut. Many providers now work with filters, so that you can get a quick overview of the available templates.
The design template is customized according to your preferences and requirements. As a rule, the kits work with the drag and drop principle. Elements are simply selected by mouse, dragged to the desired position and placed there. Fonts can be changed and own contents such as texts and pictures can be added.
Website builders are web-based. Therefore, no additional software needs to be installed on the computer. All you need is an Internet connection and a browser, via which the website is created and then published. A live preview shows you before publication whether the page meets your expectations or whether errors have crept in.
The design templates with a focus on the gastronomy industry are not only visually oriented towards restaurants. They also often offer useful additional features such as a reservation tool, the integration of Google Maps or a newsletter module. PDFs - such as the daily menu - and videos can also be embedded easily.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Creating your own website without previous knowledge has never been so easy. See for yourself how quickly you can create websites with checkdomain's website builder.
Try out different designs and familiarize yourself with the various functions - if you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, you will get your money back.
Create a Gastronomy WebsiteWhat should be considered when creating a homepage for restaurants?
If the website for a restaurant or café is to be more than a digital business card, the technical requirements must be right. Therefore it is worthwhile to check different possibilities.
A gastronomy website should absolutely fulfil these criteria:
- Responsive design: Your guests want to be interested in your restaurant both on their desktop and on their smartphone. Accordingly, your website should automatically adapt to the device used and be optimally displayed there.
- Search engine optimization: Pay attention to integrated search engine optimization (SEO) functions so that your newly created website achieves good rankings in search results on Google and other search engines.
- Design templates: The best choice is a large selection of design templates especially for catering establishments, which can be individually adapted.
- Storage space: The minimum web space should be 1 GB. If you plan to embed many pictures and videos on your website, it makes sense to pay attention to a larger storage space from the outset.
- Support: If you have questions or need help with problems, an easily accessible and competent contact person is an important support.
Find the right design for your idea
The perfect design for your website? we have it! Choose from high-quality, responsive design templates, customize the layout and quickly and easily design your professional website.
What information should be included on the website for a restaurant?
A well-designed gastronomy website creates anticipation for the visit and provides all the necessary information. The hospitable basics on the net include information about which kitchen is served, how the rooms are designed, whether the restaurant can be reached by public transport or whether there are parking facilities on site. Information about the address, contact details and opening hours are a matter of course. It makes sense to integrate Google Maps to help guests find their way around.
It is a duty to include an imprint. The website for a restaurant or café is a commercial homepage. As a result, according to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act, it is subject to the imprint obligation. Mandatory details include the full name of the operator, a summoned address and a telephone number. A free imprint generator can be helpful in creating an imprint.
It is important that all essential information is easy and quick to find. Layout and navigation should therefore be well thought out and the website should not be overloaded with too much content. A modern service for your guests, for example, is a tool that enables table reservations directly via the website.
Customer loyalty: Always keep the homepage up to date
It is ideal for gastronomy websites if they are visibly regularly updated for the guests - for example, work with seasonal images, have uploaded current menus or offer a weekly newsletter.
Events can also be announced and advertised on your own homepage. This not only provides for additional visitors, but can also avoid annoyance - for example, guests are not surprised when they stand in front of the closed door because a private party is going on inside.
Important: Who decides as a gastronomer for this way, the update should write itself absolutely on its To do list. Because if the Christmas menu is still on the homepage in the spring, it makes a bad impression and probably the fewest guests appetite on the restaurant visit.

Our tariffs for you
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- 5 veröffentlichte Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Widgets
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Google Rezensionen
- Onlineshop Funktionen
- Unbegrenzt viele Produkte hinzufügen
- Zahlungen empfangen
- 1 Prices include 19% VAT (Germany)
- 2 Minimum term: 12 months, notice period: 30 days
You don't have time to create your own website? No problem - With our new website service we create your website for you. Including domain, e-mail addresses and update service. Everything from one source.
Photo Author: Luca Bertolli /