It's that easy to create a hairdresser's website
With our hairdressers website builder the construction of an attractive hairdresser's website is very simple. Discover now our high-quality design templates and countless features with which you can design your site both aesthetically and functionally perfect. No technical knowledge of web design is required
- Choose a template for your hairdressers website
- Publish the most important data about your salon
- Upload the most beautiful pictures into a picture gallery
- Create a blog to share the best moments

Create a hairdresser website - it's so easy to do online marketing for your salon!
Without online marketing it simply no longer works, because the majority of customers are only researching online today, many are even on the go in the city with a smartphone in their hand and only make purchasing decisions when they stand in front of a shop. Being able to be found on the Internet and providing a user-friendly website with all important information is therefore extremely important for effective marketing and especially for the acquisition of new customers.
Nevertheless, many hairdressing salon operators still avoid creating a website. Because that certainly means a lot of work, doesn't it? Wrong! Because if you create your hairdressers website with a website builder, you are ready in no time and can present your salon with a professional online appearance, which you can use as a customer magnet!
Creating a hairdresser's website
All advantages at a glance
As a hairdresser, you have a fixed location with one or even several salons, so you are regionally anchored. This gives you a competitive advantage over pure online trading on the Internet! It is easier for local companies to achieve an optimal ranking with search engines such as Google - you are therefore preferred when customers enter search terms such as "hairdresser" or "cut hair" in conjunction with a place name! Many larger companies that are not represented in the stationary trade can only dream of this advantage. With a website builder it is easy for you to gain visibility on the Internet - and visibility is the most important step in winning new customers!
Marketing can become an expensive affair if you choose traditional advertising strategies to stay in your customers' minds and communicate new offers. Advertising measures such as advertisements in print media, poster advertising or radio spots require long-term planning and often have a proud price. If you create a hairdresser's website, on the other hand, you have fixed and very low costs, but you can provide exciting information for your target group flexibly and on a daily basis - marketing can't be any easier! And because of the many intuitively understandable functions of your website, it is easy for you to use the technology for your business in such a way that it is fun!

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Creating your own website without previous knowledge has never been so easy. See for yourself how quickly you can create websites with checkdomain's website builder.
Try out different designs and familiarize yourself with the various functions - if you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, you will get your money back.
Create a hairdresser websiteHow to create your hairdresser's website
The first steps
A hairdresser's website builder offers you the advantage that all important features are already available. All you have to do is decide what your online presence should look like and what messages you want to convey. And since you already have an existing business, the preliminary considerations for your website will be easy for you. Surely you already have a corporate identity, i.e. a logo, lettering, a branding that appeals to your target group exactly. Ideally, you are already familiar with the city. Now you can start completely relaxed with a cup of tea, fill your website with life and make your web presence a unique eyecatcher in the Internet!
- Choose a domain name that suits your company! "Talking domains" are found particularly well on the Internet! So choose a URL for your site that shows who you are and what you offer. First check whether the name of your salon is still available, if this is not the case, vary the domain a little!
- When designing a modular website, you have numerous options at your disposal that have been specifically designed by experienced web designers to appeal to your desired customers. So you don't have to program yourself! All design templates are naturally responsive - so they are always optimally displayed on different mobile devices! When you consider that more and more consumers are going online with mobile devices, this is a big plus for your business. Mobile first!
- Of course, a web presence - especially in your business - lives from the pictures. With a checkdomain website builder you get access to a large archive with free photos, which you can use for your homepage without having to buy additional pictures! So you can give your site a very personal flair!
- Location-based content is becoming increasingly important not only for customers but also for search engines! So when setting up your website, use integrated apps to make your website visitors' visit to your salon as easy and tasty as possible! You can offer a map on which your locations are marked, and also put an app online directly to make an appointment. With a website builder this is no problem at all!
You have now decided on a domain, selected a design and made your website unmistakable with individual images. But of course that's not all you can achieve with a website builder! Because you have almost infinite creative scope, in order to arrange the attendance of your website in such a way that users want to visit then also absolutely your salon!

Find the right design for your idea
The perfect design for your website? we have it! Choose from high-quality, responsive design templates, customize the layout and quickly and easily design your professional website.

How do you achieve a unique user experience?
User Experience? What is this, anyway? When visitors come to your website, they experience a short journey, they discover your company. With this experience you as a website operator are just as much the host as when a new customer enters your salon for the first time. They welcome him with a friendly smile, start a relaxed conversation, ask what the customer wants and give him orientation. You inform him how long the waiting time will be or whether a colleague is available immediately, show him the waiting area and offer him a drink so that your customer feels completely comfortable and welcome. This is exactly how you have to build your web presence!
The homepage of your hairdresser's website is the reception area for readers!
If you put yourself in the position of your website visitors, you immediately understand what it is all about: People call up your site and understandably want to know where they have landed and whether it is worth staying on your site! The better your visitors find their way around, the better their user experience will be! Communicate directly in the immediately visible area of your site who you are and what you offer! Users today want to intuitively grasp what a website is all about and what they themselves get out of it, nobody has time to just take a look at "the Internet"! The service idea to welcome your customers in a friendly way can also guide you in the creation of your content!
Ask yourself what is important for customers who want information! Offer a clearly visible menu with an "About us" page, because that makes you transparent and appealing! Present your opening hours, your services and your price list in a clearly visible place. In this way you can provide all important information at a glance and thus create customer confidence! Please also provide a contact form and a telephone number to show that you are always available and looking forward to your enquiries! The easier it is for visitors to your website to contact you, the more appointments will be made!
Our tariffs for you
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- 5 veröffentlichte Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Widgets
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Google Rezensionen
- Onlineshop Funktionen
- Unbegrenzt viele Produkte hinzufügen
- Zahlungen empfangen
- 1 Prices include 19% VAT (Germany)
- 2 Minimum term: 12 months, notice period: 30 days
You don't have time to create your own website? No problem - With our new website service we create your website for you. Including domain, e-mail addresses and update service. Everything from one source.
Search engine optimization is active marketing!
The majority of visitors come to websites via Google and other search engines - as long as the websites are optimized so that search engines can read them well and recognize the content of the page as high-quality. Today, search engines are considered modern "problem-solving machines", so Google has a great interest in answering the questions of its users. Search engine optimization, SEO for short, includes all measures that simplify communication between websites and search engines.
A website builder is designed to do just that. For example, Google attaches great importance to responsive designs, fast loading times and lean programming codes. If you create a hairdresser's website with checkdomain, it is automatically optimized for Google PageSpeed, so that your page loads in a flash. Optimize your site to keywords that fit your business and you will gain many new customers via your website!
Photo-Author: Jacob Lund /