How to easily create a real estate website
With our website builder the construction of an attractive real estate site is very simple. Discover now our high-quality design templates and countless features with which you can design your site both aesthetically and functionally perfect. No technical knowledge of web design is required.
- Choose a template for your website
- Publish the most important data about your real estate
- Create a separate picture gallery for each property
- Offer your customers useful information

Successful with checkdomain's own real estate website
Who would like to present its real estate offer and its own broker enterprise independently of large real estate portals and the classical media, needs its own website. Only with your own website you are really independent of external cooperation partners, media and networks.
Your own business card on the web also saves costs and is an invaluable marketing tool. It is therefore indispensable for smaller retailers in particular for more orders, more sales and more flexibility.
What a real estate website also offers
But your own website can do even more: Real estate agents can thus respond even more specifically to the local and regional characteristics of their target market. In addition, costs for advertising on real estate platforms, in newspapers and other media can be saved. A dedicated site is a valuable tool for communicating your strengths clearly and clearly in the local market.
An attractive, user-friendly internet presence, as made possible by checkdomain's website builder, also creates trust. It is a valuable tool for small real estate companies in particular to promote personal service and local expertise.
Your own website creates added value: potential customers who leave their contact data on the site can be provided with specific offers and information in compliance with legal regulations: for example by making personal calls to offers that are of particular interest to interested parties, or by sending regular e-mail newsletters informing them about the local market or price developments.
The special advantage of your own website via a modular system is the simplification of customer contact. Especially in the real estate sector, the web is primarily a source of information. But the actual business is still on a personal level. A successful website makes this contact as pleasant and easy as possible for the customer.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Creating your own website without previous knowledge has never been so easy. See for yourself how quickly you can create websites with checkdomain's website builder.
Try out different designs and familiarize yourself with the various functions - if you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, you will get your money back.
Create a Real Estate WebsiteWith the website builder in just six steps to your own real estate agent website
If you want to create your own website, you can do so without any technical knowledge. Checkdomain's website builder does not require any programming experience. This makes it easy to create a real estate website in just six steps in a short time. The self-explanatory system is intuitive and particularly user-friendly. If there is a problem, you can take advantage of excellent help. Checkdomain is therefore an excellent tool for all newcomers to the website who want to use the marketplace "Internet" for themselves and create a real estate website without great financial burden.
1. Find the suitable name for your website
The website design starts with the choice of a catchy domain name. This should be trust-building, memorable and unmistakable. If possible, it should also have a local reference, such as the name If the real estate company already exists, the company and domain names should be as closely related as possible.
A good domain name can have a positive effect on the ranking of search queries. The range of endings such as com or info is wide. In Germany, however, those who attach importance to respectability usually choose a domain name that ends in the domain name.
2. Register with checkdomain and secure the desired domain
Once you have decided on a domain name for your real estate website, you can register with checkdomain and reserve your desired name. Please make sure that you do not unintentionally interfere with the rights of third parties, such as trademark rights, when making your choice. Unintentional confusion with an existing name or company should also be ruled out.
But once everything is clear, you should not be afraid to act quickly: Good domain names are rare and often sold out quickly, especially with new business ideas and market trends.
3. The choice of design template, font and colours
Anyone who wants to communicate seriousness and market expertise should ensure that the website also conveys these values. checkdomain offers the right solution: Our design templates are ideal for creating a professional-looking real estate agent website. All templates can be supplemented and additionally upgraded with the colours and font of your choice. Dealing with numerous design options is very simple and the paths to a tailor-made real estate website are short.

Find the right design for your idea
The perfect design for your website? we have it! Choose from high-quality, responsive design templates, customize the layout and quickly and easily design your professional website.

4. Activating and adding content to the real estate website
Once your website is activated, you can start filling it with text. Since real estate agents are naturally on the move a lot, checkdomain paid particular attention to the mobility of the website solution. You can therefore easily take your real estate website with you using the checkdomain app and edit it on the go. Your website looks the same on your PC as on your tablet or smartphone, because all checkdomain designs are responsive.
5. A picture says even more - especially with real estate
The integration of pictures or also of videos and other graphic elements is indispensable, if it concerns the sales of real estates. With checkdomain, all these elements can be easily and conveniently integrated.
6. One click and the real estate website is available on the Internet
Publishing with the website builder is also very uncomplicated. As soon as your contribution is ready, you only have to click on "Publish" and your page is already on the net. Posts and blog posts on the subject of "real estate" can also be published just as easily, draw customer interest to the site and form the basis for valuable contacts.
Our tariffs for you
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- 5 veröffentlichte Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Widgets
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Drag-and-drop Homepage-Baukasten
- Unbegrenzte Anzahl veröffentlichter Seiten
- Websiteerstellung mit KI
- KI-Schreibassistent
- Kostenlose Bilder
- Anpassbare Templates
- Keine Werbung
- SSL-Zertifikat inklusive
- 5 E-Mail Postfächer
- 5 GB Mailspeicher
- Google Maps
- Premium Widgets
- 1 kostenlose Domain
- Social-Media-Kanäle
- Eigenen Code einbetten
- Unterstützt HD-Bilder
- Schnellere Ladezeiten
- Backup & Wiederherstellen der Website
- Google Rezensionen
- Onlineshop Funktionen
- Unbegrenzt viele Produkte hinzufügen
- Zahlungen empfangen
- 1 Prices include 19% VAT (Germany)
- 2 Minimum term: 12 months, notice period: 30 days
You don't have time to create your own website? No problem - With our new website service we create your website for you. Including domain, e-mail addresses and update service. Everything from one source.
How users find your real estate website
Once the website is online, a lot has already been achieved. In order to be successful as a real estate agent on the Internet in the long term, more needs to be done. Interesting blog posts are particularly valuable for drawing the attention of Internet users to your website. They also often provide a good basis for word of mouth and recommendations via social media such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
Also the search machine ranking with Google should keep an eye on one as a broker. Those who pass on their expertise and write interestingly about current developments in the (local) real estate market improve their chances of a good ranking in the search results. It is very easy to check how well your visitors like this: The statistics function of your checkdomain website shows exactly how many visitors are viewing which contributions of your website. In this way, you can also draw very specific conclusions about the attractiveness of a particular property offered and promoted on your website. The statistics function is a valuable aid in addressing (potential) customers even more specifically and successfully.
With our easy-to-understand SEO tool, you can finally do the search engine optimizations yourself and do not need an expensive agency. Many of the tasks are explained in this video so that you can easily do the presented work yourself on your website.
Photo-Author: praetorianphoto /