Paid WordPress Premium Themes

With Premium Themes you get high-quality templates with which you can create extensive websites - More info in the WordPress Tutorial from

Last week we listed a number of addresses where you can download layout templates - called themes - for free as a WordPress blogger. Today we have an overview of our favorites for the so-called premium themes, i.e. paid offers.

Why Premium Themes at all?

Premium themes are interesting for all users who want a little more - above all more individuality. Because you can usually tinker with more of the paid offers and they offer more features than many of the free templates. In principle one can say: With Premium Themes we leave the beginner area and switch to the professional zone. But this does not necessarily mean that premium themes are more complicated to set up, quite the contrary.

Good to know: Since a few weeks you can only find the themes on the english .org address of WP. The existing German-speaking topic pool was dissolved due to aging!

Everything in view: WPHub

WPHub is the address if you want to get a comprehensive overview of premium themes. WPHub is the largest WP theme gallery on the net. You can currently find 640 templates for your blog here.

Photo: WPHubs
Photo: WPHubs

So that this selection doesn't strike you down, the page offers extensive filter functions. It can be selected by categories (from B like Business to R like Retail), by colors, by price, by features and by developers. By the way, prices start at one US dollar, but of course there are also much more expensive themes.

For all themes there is detailed information, and you can also watch a live demo before buying.

Off to the woods: ThemeForest

There is also a lot to see on Especially good: Here you'll find a lot of responsive themes. You should use these themes if you want your blog to look good not only for readers on their PC, but also on their smartphone, tablet, etc., and above all to be easily accessible.


Attention, monsters!

And that brings us to the template monsters. Admittedly, optically this page is not exactly a treat, but the selection of different themes is at least worth a look...

Last but not least: Woo Themes

Woo Themes is definitely one of the established addresses when it comes to WP themes. Woo Themes offers a somewhat smaller selection than the competition, but has a rather interesting price model: In addition to individual theme packages, you can also become a member of the club here (for a fixed annual fee) and thus have free access to all themes.

Photo: Woo Themes
Photo: Woo Themes

Small disadvantage of Woo Themes: The number of responsive themes is definitely very clear at the moment.

This concludes our little overview, wishes you lots of fun and success in your search for the optimal theme for your blog and of course we would be happy if you still have some great tips for us or the other users!

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